Traveling with your little one, especially on their first outing, can present some challenges. Toddlers can be tough travel companions; going from hungry to cranky to bored and then sleepy, in the blink of an eye. These volatile moods make them very sensitive to deal with, especially when on the go. You are more likely to have a pleasant and stress-free experience if you plan for all contingencies before embarking on your journey.
Being well-prepared is important for you as much as it is for your child and will also give you and your fellow passengers some peace of mind.
So here are a few things you must remember to pack for your first trip with your toddler:-
Extra Clothes
Toddlers have a habit of dirtying their clothes by spilling food and making general mess. From playing in the mud to dropping food all over their clothes and spilling sticky juices, they tend to be a little clumsy, which is perfectly fine at this stage. Hence, a fresh change of clothing is essential to tackle such situations, which can quite be aggravating when traveling. Pack an extra set of everything in a bag that’s always with you so it’s easily accessible when you need it. There’s no telling when a quick change will be mandated and so, its best to be prepared.
Healthy Snacks
Hunger strikes at everyone, be it the young or old and this is also true when traveling. Hungry children can be really difficult to handle; making a big hue and cry that can affect not only your mood but that of your fellow travelers’ as well. There’s no blaming them. So it’s important you pack some healthy snack options for your child to nibble on when you leave for an outing. Baby food, milk, juice, water et al, are essentials that should be present in your ’always with you’ travel kit.
Extra Diapers
If traveling wasn’t hard by itself, changing diapers can be difficult when you’re on the move. Be sure to keep extra diapers, wipes, baby powder/ cream, and anything else your child will need for a quick change of diapers. Invest in disposable diaper sacks and a travel changing-mat that allows you to comfortably lay your child down when changing their diapers.
Goodknight Fabric Roll-On
Insects and mosquitos are yet another hazard that can be part of any journey. Going outdoors always brings the risk of being exposed to various pests along the way. Mosquitoes, specifically, are harmful vectors that carry with them major diseases. To secure your child against mosquitos, pack aGoodknight Fabric Roll-On in your kit. 4 strategic drops on your child’s clothes and this kid-safe mosquito repellent formula will keep all mosquitoes away for up to 8 hours.
Above all, take off on your trip with a positive and upbeat mood. It’s the first time you’re showing your little one a further glimpse into the world around them so, it’s something to cherish, even if there are some ups and downs with occasional spills and messes.
Traveling is something your child can start appreciating and experiencing at an early age. So hit the road and make the most of your trip with these handy must-carry items.