While your kid may be enjoying the blissful rainy days, you are spending your days constantly fretting about all the dangerous infections your kid can catch, especially when the ‘dengue’ alarm bells are set off. A mosquito borne disease, dengue fever, is caused by the bite of the Aedes Mosquito. Identified by the black and white stripes on their bodies, the Aedes mosquito requires just one teaspoon of water to lay its eggs and for the larvae to fully develop into an adult mosquito. So, it can practically breed in any place where clean standing water is available. But to get a deeper insight about the breeding sites of the dengue mosquito, we need to learn about its life cycle first.
Lifecycle of an Aedes mosquito
The female Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs along the inner, wet walls of containers with water and the larvae hatch in about 2 to 7 days when the water inundates the eggs as a result of rains or through another source. In under 4 days, the larvae will feed on microorganisms and particulate organic matter and will metamorphose and change from a larva into a pupa. Pupae do not feed; they just change in form into the body of an adult, flying mosquito in about two days. Then, the newly formed adult emerges from the water after breaking the pupal skin. The entire life cycle of Aedes mosquito can be completed within one-and-a-half to three weeks. To know more about the changing habits of the mosquitoes, click here
Breeding sites of dengue mosquitoes
So, a fully-grown adult mosquito can develop in any nook and corner with stagnating water. According to a recent research study done to identify the preffered breeding sites for dengue mosquitoes in India, dengue mosquitoes choose to breed in tires, barrels, plastic drums and jerry cans. But they are various other indoor and outdoor breeding sites for the Aedes mosquitoes.
Outdoor sites:
1. Plant plates in the balcony
2. AC trays
3. Mud pots
Indoor sites:
1. Fridge trays
2. Kitchen racks – that hold washed utensils
3. Clogged kitchen/bathroom drains
4. Coolers
5. Leaks in bathroom/ cisterns
6. Uncovered buckets/water containers that are not regularly used
7. Ornamental flower vase/ show pieces with water
8. Bonsai plants/ indoor plants
Read the full research study here
How To Stay Protected
Step 1:
Practice source reduction and eliminate the unnecessary collection of water in all the sources mentioned above as well as containers lying around the house like plastic jars, bottles, tires, bird baths and buckets in which Aedes aegypti can lay their eggs. Be sure to cover water storage containers with a fine mesh.
Step 2:
Dengue mosquitoes are active during the day, so be sure to use mosquito repellents like liquid vaporizers, coils or cards In the day time. For protection indoors, try Goodknight Activ+ to safeguard your family against the dengue virus.
Step 3:
Be sure to apply personal mosquito repellents whenever you step out. With just 4 dots of the Goodknight Fabric Roll-On on your clothes, stay protected outdoors for up to 8 hours.