अभी खरीदें
Mommy Zone December 7, 2017

Natural Mosquito Repellents For The Outdoors That Are Safe For Your Kids

Children are a big bundle of energy who love to explore the world outside the four walls of their homes. So no matter the month or the season, it is impossible to restrict kids inside the safe net of our homes. The real outside world is in fact the best platform for a child to learn. But in the face of the lurking mosquito scares, many parents often desist from sending their kids out to play and unwittingly push them towards gadgets and television.


Well, not anymore! With Goodknight’s range of natural mosquito repellents, your child can play football without the fear of any mosquito bites and you too can be tension-free. While one can easily raise the guard against deadly mosquitoes inside the house, doing the same isn’t as feasible outdoors given the sheer size of the place and innumerable other factors including weather etc. that can’t be controlled.


In such a scenario, the best way to battle mosquitoes is self-defense with personal and natural mosquito repellents. There may be many outdoor mosquito repellents available in the market, but they are made using chemical ingredients. This makes them unfit for use on children as they have sensitive skin and a still developing immune system. So going natural is the best way forward.


Goodknight Fabric Roll-On is one such product that gives natural mosquito protection. It is made using pure citronella and eucalyptus oils, making it the perfect outdoor natural repellent without impacting the health of your kids. Just apply 4 dots of the non-staining formula on your kids’ clothes and it will protect them for 8 hours. For babies below the age of 2 months, apply the 4 dots on their prams, cots and strollers.


Goodknight Cool Gel is another natural outdoor mosquito repellent that is both effective and safe for kids. The non-sticky cool gel is made using the goodness of aloe vera. It should be uniformly applied on arms, legs, neck, face and other exposed skin areas of the kid. Application on cuts or wounds must be avoided.


While both these products could be used for children of all age groups, Goodknight provides a specific solution for infants too – Goodknight Patches. Made with 100% natural oils, patches provide the safest mosquito protection for little babies. Always apply 2 patches – one on the upper body and one on the lower. They could also be stuck on prams, strollers and other places depending on the mosquito influx.


All the 3 products are certified by leading paediatricians and hence safe for use on children.


So don’t let mosquitoes dampen your kids’ adventurous spirit and let them explore the outside world with Goodknight’s range of natural mosquito repellents!

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