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Mommy Zone, Reviews And Testimonials December 7, 2017

Natural Mosquito Repellents For Children

Every parent wants to provide the best and safest products to their children. Speaking of safety, products with natural and organic ingredients definitely rank high in their list!


When it comes to selecting a mosquito repellent for their kids, the most obvious choice for parents would be those repellents which contain natural ingredients rather than chemicals.


Although DEET, the most common active ingredient present in insect repellents is considered safe to use on children, many parents prefer to use mosquito repellents that are DEET-free.


Natural mosquito repellents are made from essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, cedar wood and peppermint. All of these are derived from plant sources. The only shortcoming with these natural repellents as opposed to products containing DEET or picaridin is that they need to be reapplied more often and in liberal quantity.


It is essential to know that natural mosquito repellents do not kill mosquitoes, but work on the principle of masking the natural scent coming out of human bodies and carbon dioxide exhaled by them. Mosquitoes get attracted to you through your natural scent & carbon dioxide exhaled.


Here are some great options for natural mosquito repellents:


Goodknight Fabric Roll-On: This mosquito repellent comes in liquid form. Just 4 dots on the child’s clothes can protect him from mosquitoes for up to 8 hours.  It is a 100% natural mosquito repellent which contains pure citronella and eucalyptus oil. It is completely safe for children and infants. Apart from clothes, it can also be applied on prams, cots and strollers. The non-staining formula of Goodknight Fabric Roll-On provides kids with complete outdoor protection from mosquitoes. The Goodknight Fabric Roll-On is extremely handy, as it can be carried along in the purse or handbag for application whenever necessary.


Goodknight Cool Gel: This natural personal mosquito repellent comes in the form of a gel and is skin-friendly. Goodknight Cool Gel is non-sticky and has a pleasant yet mild fragrance. It contains aloe vera which soothes the skin and keeps you protected from mosquitoes for up to 8 hours. Goodknight Cool Gel is completely safe and is approved by paediatricians. It needs to be applied on your arms, legs, neck, face and other exposed skin areas uniformly before stepping out.


Goodknight Patches: These patches are made from plant based ingredients like citronella and eucalyptus oil. Children love these patches as they come in cute cartoon prints, which they are happy to sport every time they go out. These mosquito patches are absolutely safe to use for babies. They can be applied on their clothes, prams or cots.


The above mentioned natural kids mosquito repellents are non-fussy, easy to use and completely safe options to keep your child safe from Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya and other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.

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