अभी खरीदें
symptoms of chikungunya
Understand Mosquitoes March 6, 2018

Chikungunya: How It’s different From Dengue Symptoms

In India, we experience tropical wet and dry weather in most parts of the country. Weather like this has always been a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Moreover, the open drainage area, which we see in most parts of India, is a favorable place for the mosquitoes to dwell. These reasons have contributed to the rise of viral diseases like Chikungunya and Dengue. Earlier, the two diseases were considered as one until an epidemic of Chikungunya hit Southern Tanzania in 1953. Also, there were myths that chikungunya was a virus infected through chickens, mainly because of the way it is pronounced.


Even after so many years, it is difficult to understand the difference between the two diseases. People who are suffering from Chikungunya are sometimes misdiagnosed for dengue. This is because:


  1. Both are fevers caused by the Aedes mosquito. Did you know? A female mosquito carrying either of the virus can easily affect 12 people? Like this wasn’t confusing enough…there are two types of Aedes Mosquito – the Aedes aegypti (More likely to spread dengue) and the Aedes albopictus which spread Chikungunya. However, both types can spread either of the diseases.
  2. Fever symptoms are quite similar for both diseases like high fever, joint pain, head ache, rashes, nausea and vomiting.


Understanding the differentiators of Chikungunya and Dengue:


  • Unlike Dengue, Chikungunya will not last for more than 2 weeks
  • While people experience joints pain and body pain during dengue too, A chikungunya patient experiences pain like an arthritis patient
  • While Dengue is life threatening, Chikungunya isn’t so fatal but will still leave some implications like joint pain and rashes throughout your life
  • An extreme case of Dengue, patients also complain about bleeding from nose, mouth and gums


What is the cure?

It is very unfortunate that these diseases have taken so many lives and have been detected long ago but have no cure yet. There is no vaccine or medicine available at the pharmacy/hospital for Chikungunya or Dengue. Prevention is the only cure.


Hospitalization is required in case of dengue as the platelet count needs to be monitored regularly. A chikungunya and dengue patient needs to take enough rest as the body is very weak during this phase. Consuming ginger tea or green tea can help relieve inflammation and boost immunity too.


Precautions to control these diseases:


  1. We all have the Goodknight Activ+ at home, don’t we? We urge you to use it in the morning as the mosquitoes that spread these diseases bite during the daytime. At night, you can use mosquito nets while sleeping.
  2. While you are outdoor, protect yourself and your child with a good mosquito repellent. The Goodknight Fabric Roll-On can be a good choice as it is the easiest to use. 4 dots that’s all!
  3. Ensure there is no still water around you like a pond or drainage as these places are breeding grounds for these life-threatening insects.
  4. Keep the surroundings clean especially at home so that you can enjoy a good night’s sleep.
  5. Ensure that your AC tray and refrigerator tray are cleaned regularly.


Just follow these steps because after all, prevention is better than cure!

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