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Mommy September 18, 2018

Going to be alone during your pregnancy? Here are some tips

Pregnancy can be a joyous time for women but it can also be a period of anxiety and stress. While most women can count on a partner or family for support during this difficult time, some may have to face the challenge on their own, with little to no support.

If you’re a ‘one-woman army’, just remember that everything will be all right and there’s no reason to worry. You’re more than capable of handling your pregnancy on your own, but here are some simple tips to make it just a tiny bit easier:


1. Stay motivated: 

Whenever you feel low, alone, or lost, remind yourself that this is not for you; it’s for the little life growing inside you. Nothing can be more important than the baby. Think of a small smiling face looking up at you and the many good memories in store ahead!


2. Meditation:

One way to keep yourself motivated and stress-free is through meditation. Meditating daily is great for pregnancy as it clears up the clutter in your mind and provides many physiological benefits that directly affect your unborn child. It also keeps you focused and ready to tackle important issues when they arise.


3. Exercise regularly: 

Remember to exercise for your and the baby’s health. It keeps your system healthy, which in turn ensures a healthy and strong system for your child. While exercising, you will expend a lot of energy that might make you feel tired. However, this can lead to a good night’s sleep. Just remember not to overdo it. Hire a trainer or a coach if you can, especially for more detailed or complicated workouts.


4. Deal with pests: 

In a tropical country like ours, mosquitoes are a perennial problem. They’re an equal threat indoors and out. As an expectant mother, you must ensure you are protected against them. Even one bite can transmit a disease such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya etc.

When at home switch on the New Goodknight Gold Flash System which works wonderfully through the day and night. If you’re stepping out, remember to dab just four little drops of Goodknight Fabric Roll-On to your clothes and no mosquito will dare mess with you.


5. Spend time with positive people:

Good vibes will surely lift your mood during pregnancy. So, it’s recommended that you try and spend time with people who make you feel positive and happy. While you may not have an overly hands-on support system, these individuals will endeavor to keep your spirit up through your arduous and ultimately rewarding road to motherhood.


Avoid negative people like the plague and stay positive at all costs!

Although there’s an element of stress involved, pregnancy is truly beautiful as you feel life growing within you. Don’t be burdened by the fact that you are alone; these simple tips will surely calm your mind and help you along on your new adventure.

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