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Mommy September 6, 2018

Five habits that make your post-pregnancy life easy

Having a baby is a wonderful experience. Not only have you been graced with a new life to liven up your house, but the stress and labour of the past nine months is a thing of the past.

Or is it?

For most mothers, post-pregnancy life is a period of great change and upheaval. Everyone expects things to normalise quicker than the pace at which they actually normalise.

Here are five habits that you can adopt to make life normalise faster and in an easier fashion post-pregnancy!

1. Give in to your cravings:  

There is no point torturing yourself with self-control when it comes to your cravings. Though you have now delivered your baby, the food cravings will take some time to go away. Your metabolism rate is still geared towards a large intake of food, and that feeling fades slowly. In the meantime, there is no point in denying yourself the food your body wants. Soon, the cravings will stop on their own accord, once your life has picked up the pace.

2. Postnatal Yoga:  

Often, to get back to what we perceive as normalcy, you may want to rush into very intensive training and exercise routines to completely lose your pregnancy weight and get your body in shape. However, you should avoid putting your body in such an intense regimen.

The answer is a compromise of both these viewpoints by the adoption of postnatal yoga. These yogic exercises are specially designed for new mothers and are geared to affect their metabolism, skin, body tightening, joint strengthening, etc. The added incentive is that along with the physiological needs, yoga takes care of your psychological and spiritual needs as well.

3. Share responsibilities:  

Having a baby is work enough. Things that aren’t related to that can be delegated to your husband or a family member. You must give your body time to heal both, mentally and physically. This is where the support of family comes in.

Remember, your priority must be a relaxed state of mind and the recuperation that your body needs. Only once you have them can you concentrate on the needs of your other family members.

4. Prevention is better than cure: 

In the delicate post-pregnancy period, the last thing you need is a health scare for you or your baby. So, ensure that you eat healthy home cooked meals and drink purified water. Try to minimize your exposure to germs and bacteria.

Mosquitoes can be quite dangerous for young mothers and their babies, especially during the monsoons. They can cause malaria, dengue and chikungunya; all of which can be lethal for a baby. Plugging in a safe, but effective mosquito repellent like the new Goodknight Gold Flash System can keep your home mosquito free and reduce any risk of you or your baby getting sick.

5. Be happy  

Postpartum depression is quite common post-pregnancy, but do not let depression or despondency settle in. Surround yourself with people who give you positive vibes, and be open to discussing your concerns or doubts with family members, friends or your doctor.

Life may be different post-pregnancy, but it is so rewarding with your little one in tow. Now that you know what to do and how to sustain life post-pregnancy, you owe it to yourself, your children, and your family to be the best version of yourself.



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