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Mommy October 1, 2018

By a Parent Blogger: How to get your child to help with a younger sibling

do these activities like a grown-up, without fighting or making the younger one cry. Similarly, when bedtime comes, I let Michael read a story to Mia which always puts her to sleep.

I’ve also taught him to the importance of making sure the Goodknight Gold Flash System is switched on at night before he tucks her into bed. Surprisingly, he’s taken a lot of interest in her well-being; even when they step out to play in the garden, he makes sure she has a Goodknight Patch on! I’ve explained how Goodknight products are certified as baby-safe by pediatricians and they help Mia and other babies from contracting illnesses such as Dengue, Chikungunya, and Malaria. When he questioned how safe they are, I told him that they are made from 100% natural active ingredients, and he seemed relieved. These instances always amuse me!

Take it as heartfelt advice from one mother to another. See what works for you and do that. All our little ones are different and need different kinds of TLC!

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