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Mommy October 10, 2018

5 Things you must keep in your toddler’s daycare bag

Just when you thought you were getting used to a routine with your child, it’s already time to enroll them in daycare. This transition is a major one, considering it will be the first time they’re going to be away from you for an extended period. This is a good time for the child to learn new things and make new friends, but it can be hard for you to keep up with the change.

As a parent, it’s vital that you pack the right items for your child so that they’re comfortable at the daycare and lack nothing. Here’s what should be on the list:

  1. Diapers and accessories

If your toddler still wears diapers, pack an extra set (or two). Include wipes and diaper rash cream/powder with provisions for other contingencies. Remember to include resealable plastic pouches for packing soiled cloth diapers. Children often get their clothing dirty, so a change of clothes is a definite must-have in this kit.

  1. Fruits

Some daycare centres may require parents to pack snacks for their children, and the best option for a child is fruit. Abundant in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, these are important to maintain a balanced nutritive diet. The healthiest alternative for hunger pangs, fruits should be packed in a non-reactive container along with clean, reusable cutlery. Remind your child to wash their hands or pack a hand sanitizer so they can sterilize their hands before they eat.

  1. Water bottle 

Remaining hydrated is relevant for all, but especially so for active kids. Having their own water bottle cultivates the habit of drinking water often, which is great for preventing many health-related issues as they grow. Pack a leak-proof water bottle in their daycare bag and always change the water and clean the bottle every day to prevent germ build-up.

  1. Medication and sunscreen

Although daycare facilities are expected to have first-aid kits readily available, carrying a set of medicines specific to your child is extremely important. A pain reliever, antipyretic, rash cream, and specific medication for allergies, etc., are necessary for your kit. Label each medicine with instructions for the caretaker. Since your child could be playing outside a lot, it would be good to include sunscreen; apply it once before she heads off to daycare.

  1. Goodknight Fabric Roll-On

Mosquitoes are disease carriers for deadly diseases such as dengue, malaria, and chikungunya, which make them a serious challenge for your child’s sensitive immune system. By applying just four drops of Goodknight Fabric Roll-On on their clothes, you can effectively keep mosquitoes at bay for up to eight hours. It’s made of 100% natural ingredients and is absolutely child-safe, so make sure there’s one in your child’s daycare kit.

With these five items, you can ensure that your child goes to daycare with everything necessary to keep them safe and healthy. It will give you the peace of mind you need when you are away from your child.

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